Seed Germinating Techniques

We get a lot of questions in regards to germinating seeds on our toll-free help line and via email so here are some basic tips for germinating seeds.  Seeds and cuttings need the same TLC and conditions for optimal growth.

Germination of seeds requires water, air and warm temperatures .

The seeds will sprout in darkness in a wide range of temperatures. On average when properly done seeds will germinate in 3-7 days with temps between 70-90F.

Higher temps can affect germination rates negatively.  Upon germination the outer shell of seed opens by splitting and little white sprouts emerge.  This is the tap-root.  The leaves will emerge from the shell as they reach upward towards the light.

Many people have great difficulty with germination but if you follow some basic techniques you will master it in no time.

As with cuttings you just have to have the conditions optimal and your results will show.

Star by soaking seeds in water overnight, ensuring they are wet so that growth is kick started.  Don’t soak longer then 24 hrs as you do not want them to drown and rot.  They will need oxygen.  Once you have soaked your ready to place in moist paper towels which will allow sprouting.  You can also plant directly into rockwool cube                        

or jiffy pellet                            Image

or and rooting plug type medium .                                 Image

As well as soil, soiless mix, coco or any other substrate you are planning on using.

Place seeds in the towel or medium in a humidity dome and tray .



But make sure they are in a warm (70-90F) but dark spot.

Make sure you check daily to make sure the cloth or medium stays wet.  There are several different products you can add to the water that you soak the towel or medium with to help facilitate faster root growth such as:

General Hydroponics Rapid start Image

General Organics  Bio root

Canna Start

Check the cloth daily to ensure it is moist, yet not soaking in water.  The seeds should germinate
within a few days.  Once the seeds have sprouted and the white sprout is visible be very careful and take them out of the towel and plant them.  Do not allow the root hair to be exposed to intense light or air.  Plant the seed at least ¼” – 1/2” in the medium with the sprout tip pointing downward.  Or place the sprout in the rockwool cube or medium of your choice.  These should be ready for transplant in about 2 weeks once a good root base is established and root hairs are coming out the sides and bottoms of the cubes.

Using a humidity dome will help ensure the humidity and temperature stays optimal .

The humidity domes have vents that open on top so leave them open so that the humidity does not become too high and the seedlings rot.

You can also use a seedling heat mat and thermostat to control the temperature of the root zone better.

Once they are root bound they are ready to be placed under the HID lights.

Use a metal Halide for the vegetative growth stage.

400 watts Metal Halides are excellent for small vegetative grow rooms.

Blackstar Vegetative LED ‘s are also excellent to use for the vegetative growth stage.

We hope this bit of info is helpful for your next seed sprouting adventure.

Call anytime if you have any questions: 1-877-226-4769 or email        We are always available to help.

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